I'm sure by now, everyone in the fashion/style world should know about Taylor Jacobson. Not only does she have probably one of the most coveted jobs in the world, as Style Associate to the great Rachel Zoe, but she also has an impeccable sense of style. Sometimes, while watching The Rachel Zoe Project, I find myself lusting over most of her outfits over Rachel's. The thing is...I sort of a massive girl crush on Taylor. She can be a tad obnoxious sometimes, but I mean, everyone can be obnoxious. I just would mainly love to raid her closet...
However, for the past couple of months now I've sort of had my eye on, in my opinion, the most understated part of a woman's body-the hollow of her neck. Why? Because of that ridiculously beautiful sideways cross necklace she wears in every single episode! The first time I ever really noticed it-it was love at first sight! I couldn't believe how amazing it looked with everything she wore. And I've never really been into delicate jewelry (I'm into more chunky pieces) because I just never found anything I felt like I could wear everyday. This piece, I feel like I could definitely wear every day--for sure.
Which brings me to the point of this post...a couple of weeks ago, my honey and I were watching The Rachel Zoe Project and I mentioned the necklace to him. That I've been pretty much obsessing over it for awhile now, blah blah blah...today I received a package in the mail. And guess what it was?
However, for the past couple of months now I've sort of had my eye on, in my opinion, the most understated part of a woman's body-the hollow of her neck. Why? Because of that ridiculously beautiful sideways cross necklace she wears in every single episode! The first time I ever really noticed it-it was love at first sight! I couldn't believe how amazing it looked with everything she wore. And I've never really been into delicate jewelry (I'm into more chunky pieces) because I just never found anything I felt like I could wear everyday. This piece, I feel like I could definitely wear every day--for sure.
Which brings me to the point of this post...a couple of weeks ago, my honey and I were watching The Rachel Zoe Project and I mentioned the necklace to him. That I've been pretty much obsessing over it for awhile now, blah blah blah...today I received a package in the mail. And guess what it was?

I couldn't be more in love with my babe. Seriously the best surprise I've had in awhile. Thank you so much honey!
U very lucky ducky. I too love taylors style and have been lusting over that necklace for a long time now. I saw it Two years ago before the show at this place but I couldn't bring myself to spend that much (considering I'm a poor student and don't have that much money anywase) But none the less. I am very j of you an that damn necklace. Enjoy
I agree with you most of the time I like Taylor's laid back style better that Mrs Zoe.
Taylor's quit now. I want her job!
i love the necklace, where did you get it?
love your necklace
thats sooo sweet of him! the necklace is so gorgeous and dainty.
Agree with you on Taylors style 100%!! What a sweet necklace!
omg it does look really cute. i love taylor too!
pre holiday sale!
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