Tuesday, March 6, 2012

We can do anything, baby...






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Twas an extraordinary day. My best friend in the whole wide world married the love of her life. To say that this has been a long time coming would be an understatement. They had been together even before she became my best. In fact, I remember the first time I met AJ...it was on our first double date, which Kate and I had been planning unbeknownst to our gentlemen for quite some time. We figured we got along so well, that why wouldn't all 4 of us. Right off the bat, it was easy. He was just as welcoming as she was, and it was plain to see-these two were made for one another. We helped them move into their first home in 2009. Then she texted me when he proposed in Santa Barbara in 2010. And now, a year and a half later-they are Mr. and Mrs. Jennings. This wedding journey with my best friend has been such a thrill to watch. It's an amazing feeling to be there for someone you care about so much, that you would do anything and everything to make them happy. We did everything-from bridal conventions, to running errands, to staying up til nearly 2 in the morning the night before the big day, helping out every which way. I do it because I love her, and I wanted nothing more than to have the day go by without a hitch. And needless to say, it was perfect. The weather was beautiful, the wind died down, and the home they purchased nearly 3 years ago was transformed into a romantic, gothic castle of love. 
There is really no one else in the world more perfect than Adam is for Kate, and vice versa. When you look at them, you think-that is the truest of true loves. So as her best friend-I am just pleased as punch, because I know that there is nothing to worry about. Someone I care about and love is going to be cared for and loved for the rest of her life. 

He loves her "more than the moon."


Crystal C. Beecher said...

Brings tears to my eyes. SOO TRUE Lainey! (Pun intended) They are the top tier of love, above the standard; the ideal. <3 Now lets encourage them to pro-create.. he he he ;)

Victoria said...

Aw I wish I was there!!!
So pretty. :)




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