Yesterday Siera and I spent the day in Burbank. We've been waiting to see Time Traveler's Wife for a long time...so we thought it was about time. But before she came to pick me up, Geo and I did an impromptu photo shoot shown in the first two pics. I actually didn't end up wearing the red faux leather vest out, but I thought it just looked perfect with what I was wearing underneath. I made the shirt, by cropping a striped tee I bought from F21 a year ago. I thought it was time for a change.
As far as the movie itself...it was ok. I think I came into it with a lot expectations and came out a little disappointed only because I absolutely adore the book. I felt like the film was a bit rushed and didn't captivate the passion and the conviction that the main characters had for one another. I was really invested in their love...but not so much in the film. I still love Eric Bana and Rachel McAdams is just an amazing actress-but I just wish the script was a little better.
Although I gave the movie a B-, I still had a wonderful day. Plus I found a gorgeous leopard scarf at UO for $10, and...we ended up getting chinese for dinner. So all in all, it was a great day!
On Siera: Barack shirt-UO/Purse-UO/Jeans-Unknown/Bracelets-Various
On Me: Red Faux Leather Vest-F21/Cropped tank-DIY/Shorts-Vintage Gap/Necklace-H&M/Boots-GuessByMarciano
your style is freaking amazing so is your blog!!!
wonderful day. gorgeous girl. amazing outfit.
love love love.
Love the outfit, stripes are always classy.
I spy AMC 16! haha
Chinese sounds good right about now
I love your red vest and it goes great with the striped shirt! I wanted to watch the movie too but like you, I read the book and was afraid that it's going to let me down.
Sounds like you had a great day! xxoxoxo
I love that red vest! Totally hot outfit. (I haven't seen the movie yet but I'll probably rent it on DVD when it comes out).
I am in love with your red vest and your friends bag! Looking amazing as always :)
hay, i love the contrast between the black and white and the red leather! its so chic :)
I love your cutoffs! I absolutely want to see the Time Travellers Wife but I think after hearing your review I'll read the book first xo
Amazing outfit, love it!
I know what you mean, sometimes it's difficult for films to live up to the expectations of an incredible piece of literature, but it still sounds like you had a great day together even with the B-ranked movie. And the red faux leather vest is amazing on you! xx
Great photos, you are so beautiful!
Thanks so much for visit me and leave a comment sweetie!
looking freaking HOT
Nice pictures! I really love the first one.
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