Friday, June 17, 2011

There's a fire starting in my heart



This was just one of those relaxing, beautiful, incredibly peaceful days you recall when other things in your life are not necessarily working out as planned. This was last Monday, when the Husb and I went to Burbank to see Super 8 (which I highly recommend btw) and shop. Well, I really didn't do much shopping, but the boy got a lot of amazing things including this beautiful navy, military jacket from Wasteland (pictured above). It was the most perfect buy of the day. Afterward, we went to Ikea to pick up a few things for our home-which reminded me that I'm still in major need of a dresser. Right now I'm still living out of boxes and bags-which is embarrassing to admit considering we've been in our place for 6 months now. But such is life...
We ended the evening with a romantic dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, Star Cafe in Montrose. I think I was squeeing the whole ride there, because I had no idea Geo had planned that for us. We hadn't been there since we first started dating which was literally like 4 years ago. So it was definitely a wonderful end to an already wonderful day. I couldn't have asked for more.

Love Culture top/Zara leather shorts/Hue tights/Wild Pair combat boots


Chàrmel said...

nice pictures;)

Christine B said...

love that top, its so adorable! :)

Teresa said...

Loving those stripes on you! You look fab!



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